Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas

Hello to all who may run accross this page, I just wanted to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and I hope that you are all blessed beyond your wildest imaginings this Holiday Season!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thank the GOP, Yeah!

I just wanted to take a moment to thank the GOP for giving the rich extra privileges during this time of economic stress in America. They have once again shown their true colors, allowing the general public to suffer as they keep the rich from paying adequate taxes. A typical GOP strategy, line the pockets of the rich at the expense of the poor and middle class. Any decent government party would have sucked it up and assumed the responsibility to pay a bit more to help America through this hard time. But not the GOP, their 'let them eat cake' attitude is one of many conservative strategies that is ruining our country. When will these losers see that they are no better than anyone else and drop their elitist attitudes? If they paid their fair share of taxes instead of granting themselves loopholes and tax cuts, we would have enough to go around! But instead they hoard the wealth and let the poor man suffer. Thanks so much my republican friends, because of you, my grandchildren will be paying for this mess years from now, but it's worth it to keep your Bentley's rolling, isn't it!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Impressed with Obama!

Hello All,
It has been months since I posted anything here. But tonight I just wanted to say how much I admire President Obama.
I am in my 50's now and President Obama is the first president since my childhood who has made such a deep and memorable impression on me. First, I have been impressed with the level of Class and Intellect that he has brought back to the white house. I do not believe that we as a people have seen that in many years and for me it is a welcome trait that I hope we see more of. Next, I am impressed that his attitude has remained so positive even after all of the flack that he has taken since he was first elected. In the short time that he has been president, he has been tasked with the nearly impossible job of cleaning up what our previous administration left us with. And while many memories seem to run short, I will take just a moment to remind you that the last administration spent more than all other American presidents ever, combined. And he did so in a time when we were running at a surplus! I am also impressed with his down to earth personable attitude. I can not imagine how a man of such dignity and intellect can still hold such a warm friendly and welcoming attitude towards those of us who are or have been less fortunate.
I can only hope that future administrations will take on the task of bringing class back to America and to the Presidency as he has.
Just my short blip because I am feeling a moment of pride and don't want to let that pass.
Thank you Mr. President