Friday, March 18, 2011

Moving Day Still???

This is not my new place, but I do love this picture, somehow it rings true! OK, so I have officially moved into my new place as of last Saturday, today is Friday and I am still waist deep in boxes. I am not sure, but I think they multiply at night when I sleep. It seems that as soon as I unpack two boxes, three or four more show up. I have been throwing out things that I no longer need and the work just keeps on coming. I have promised myself that I will never be as out of touch with what I need to do as I am now again!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Life Changes

I have not moved quite this far, but I am by the sea!
I have been in the process of unpacking after a move. It has caused me a mix of sweet, bittersweet and just plain ugly memories. Before my move, much of what I owned was in storage, so opening each box was a new experience. In some I found little trinkets that my children gave me over the years, like the little sticky pad holder that says 'I "heart" daddy' or the needlepoint pillow made by one of my kids in class. But in other boxes I found reminders of the rough life I had to live, a blanket that was old and itchy and grayed when I got it and only got worse over time. Reminders of my divorce, reminders of poverty and reminders of life's little moments. Each and every package I open seems to have a little of my life tucked in. I find that the simple act of unpacking my boxes is walking me through the best and worst of my life. I have made it a point to keep some things and to throw others out, I don't need certain memories! Life goes on!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

In Memorium

Monica and Syd

I just got word that a friend of mine chose to take his life. For me this is heartbreaking. We were friends several years ago at my workplace. He was one of the cool more popular guys but always had the decency and sensitivity to treat a nerd like me as if I was human and a true friend. While we were never close, he always treated me well and whenever I remember him, I will remember the sense of kindness and decency he had.

Syd married another friend of mine, Monika. They were such a lovely couple and Monika has been a friend for many years as well. Please if anyone reads this pray for Monika during this time. Syd also had two adult children who are in need of prayer right now.

The loss of a friend in this way leaves so many open questions for those left behind. Even now on a much smaller scale than those closer to him I find myself wondering if I could have done something to intervene, something to make his life worth keeping for one more day. Recently I have had a lot of blessings in my life and I have neglected to include Syd on email lists reporting them to my friends. Syd had been out of work and I did not want him to feel that someone was gloating while he was having a difficult time. Now I wonder if my blessings may have picked up his spirit a bit.

Please pray the God closely guard his family at this time and that they are given comfort beyond what we can recognize today.

And Syd, if your spirit can hear my heart right now I want you to know that someone here thought you were a wonderful man and will always remember you for the kindness you showed an outcast! I pray that God will show you the kindness you showed me in making your transition to your new life. You are missed and you will be missed.