Saturday, June 15, 2013

It's the little things.  Today while walking the beach I found an intact conch shell.  Usually I find clam shells, oyster shells, capiz (spelling?) and assorted broken shells.  So this one shell stands out and it is a new treasure in my collection of sea stuff to use for crafts.  The incident made my day because sometimes it's the little things that happen that adjust your attitude for the rest of the day.  Finding this was sort of a needle in a haystack.  But it's a reminder that sometimes it happens, sometimes you get the needle that is hidden.  Today was my turn!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Garden Variety Coward(s)

At this point in time my thoughts on the Boston terror attack are quite simple.  Whoever did this, whatever their cause, they are simply garden variety cowards and that's all they amount to.  I am not ignoring the impact of what they have done.  But whatever they are 'fighting' for they have simply missed the mark.  They hide like cowards and hurt the innocent.  Not daring to fight a true war and bear the consequences of their attacks.  They live among us using American freedom to purchase the goods they use to hurt and maim and then they hide in the crowd and watch as people suffer.  They pretend to be our friends and good neighbors only to stab us in the back because they do not have the courage to show their faces and to be recognized for what they are.  I have no respect or empathy for them.  I can only hope and pray that the suffering they caused comes back to them many, many times over. 

Sunday, March 31, 2013


I hope your Easter is blessed and filled with Joy as we remember this most high of all Christian Holidays!  And may the coming year be more blessed and prosperous than the last!

Finally made 250

Finally hit the 250 pound point in late December but did not put out a new pic until now.  I am wearing the same shirt I was in the last pic and you can see it is no longer stretched tight over my stomach.  I had to get rid of those pants and my belt because they would not hold any longer and would literally fall off without me holding them up.  I have lost three pant sizes and I have three more to go just to get to my weight range.  But I am not giving up!  I have since lost a few more pounds, but I will not be publishing another picture until I hit my next goal, hopefully it will be published soon.  Here I am at 250: