Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mary Winkler, Free Killer

Above are photo's of Matthew Winkler (murder victim) and Mary Winkler (killer)

Mary Winkler, anyone remember her. She is the woman who murdered her Church of Christ minister husband in cold blood in 2006. After the murder, she drove to another state and stayed several days in a hotel giving the kids a vacation so they could all be together and play. A true Madonna in the flesh.

Everything about this case angers me and humiliates the American justice system. First, this bitch outright murdered her husband in cold blood. Then she claims that she was an abused wife, but there is and was no evidence of any kind of abuse whatsoever. She simply turned on the tears and claimed that her life was hell behind closed doors. After that this skank is given a three year prison. But after all,we don't want to be too hard on the little lady, so they let her out after serving only 12 days with the stipulation that she has to go to a mental facility. And then she is released from the facility after only two months.

This monster murdered her own husband. She robbed his congregation of their pastor. She took a loving son from caring parents. And finally, she sent the father of her own children to an early grave, they will never again see daddy's face on Christmas morning. And what is her punishment, a hefty 12 days in jail and two months at a mental facility to work out her issues. And to add insult to injury, now she is getting her three children back, because after all, we wouldn't want such a model mother robbed of the right to be with her children.

Somebody please tell me what's wrong with this picture. A woman commits a murder for giggles and then cries abuse and walks. If a man with an abusive wife killed his spouse would he be in the same place? Would he be walking out of jail after only 12 days? Would he be given free mental care for 2 months? Would he be back in custody of his children? We all know the answer is not a chance in hell of that happening! But justice is blind, especially when it hears a female voice!

I can only imagine the mental torture and the heartbreak and the horror that Dan and Diane Winkler, the parents of her dead husband Matthew and the custodians of her grand children, experienced as they had to hand their grandbabies over to the monster that murdered their son and the children's father. I can only imagine the absolute terror those poor children must feel, being told that they are being put into the care of the bloodthirsty monster that killed their father in cold blood and left his lifeless body to rot. And I find myself wondering, will the stress of raising children alone be the excuse for her next murder trial? After all, feeding them takes time, work, effort and money, so I am sure Miss Mary will conclude that they are deserving of a death sentence like she gave their dad once she tires of the work involved!

What I find even more reprehensible is the fact that her attorney Rachel Putnam says this is a good thing. She is quoted in CNN as saying "It should be seen as a sign that the family is healing,". The family is healing? What sign is there that the family is healing? Please inform me. Because from where I sit, I see a murderer has escaped punishment for her crime. I see the parents of the victim being forced to turn over custody of their grand children, the only reminder of their son, to the monster that killed him. And I see three innocent children being forced to live with the killer of their father, every day and night wondering when mommy will tire of them and when they will see their own young lives snuffed out. If that's healing in America, I would rather stay sick! I can assure you, if I was the grandparent of those children, I would be living in another country under an assumed name with my grandbabies before that murdering monster would ever have custody of them again!

At the time of this posting, I am so angry that I literally can not see straight. I find myself hoping that Mary Winkler somehow pays for her crimes, but I honestly can't think of a punishment suitable for such a monster. But that's life in America, isn't it, a good lawyer and some money and you too can kill the victim of your choice. Just ask OJ, Robert Blake and Mary Winkler, hell, OJ even wrote a book telling you how to get away with it~talk about insult to injury.

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