Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year To All




Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas To All

Hello Everyone, I just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and the Best New Year Ever! I pray that your day is blessed and spent with loved ones.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Just a bit of fun, truth and humor

I am a large man. I have always thought that being a dancer and being admired for your grace and beauty would be rewarding. But I have to face the truth, a man my size does not look graceful or beautiful in dance gear, let alone have the ability for fluent angelic pirouettes. So, I will satisfy myself with the fact that others are better suited for that particular task. And I will live vicariously as I watch others in motion!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Not All Muslims Are Terrorist

Allah says very clearly: (Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not do aggression, for Allah loves not the aggressors.) (Al-Baqarah 2: 190)

The above images were sent to me in an Indian group that I belong to. It is usually a light hearted group that shares fun photo's and things, but recently has had a few articles and pictures of the events in Mumbai over the last few days.

These photo's came in a large series of pictures that were sent to me about India and Mumbai after the events. One is a photo of Muslims at a peace gathering releasing doves into the air as a symbol of peace. The others show Muslims praying for the families and souls of those lost during the attacks.

In a previous note, I wrote about how I feel that Islamic extremest are the cause of many of the world's problems and how I did not view them as a religion of peace. While I still hold that to be true (at least regarding extremest), I also believe that there are many Muslim people who simply want to live in peace. I just want to be clear to those who may choose to read my blog that I do not hate Muslims and I do understand that many (certainly most) want to live in a peaceful world. I commend the Muslim people who have the courage and strength of character to stand against their own Islamic brothers who would take their beliefs from those of peace to those of aggression.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hungry Baby

Sometimes you just need a smile and this little guy gave me one! Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Management Bathroom

Management Bathroom, Need I Say More???

Candle In A Window

Hi All, It's the time of year when we will be putting lights up and candles in the window to celebrate the Christmas season. Just a reminder to keep one extra candle in the window for our troops and to keep it up year through until they are home safe!

The Mumbai Attacks

I just wanted to take a moment to express my opinion of the Mumbai attacks. They were apparently committed by members of an extremest Islamic group. I find myself with several thoughts racing through my mind.

First, I always hear that Islam is a religion of peace. I struggle to understand that. I find that again and again, when there is trouble in the world, there is some Islamic faction to blame. The world trade towers, Islamics, The Bangkok events, Islamics, The constant middle east struggle between Israel and the Arab world, Islamics, The events on the subways of London, Islamics, trouble in the Philippines, Islamics and now India, Islamics again. To me, it is clear that these Islamic fundamentalist are not people of peace, but are rather monsters without souls simply doing as much damage to the world as they can.

What irks me the most about these people is that they are not fighting an honorable war against honorable people. They are simply hurting innocents and can't even clearly state whatever it is that they want to accomplish. To me, it is one thing to go to war against another country when one's boarders have been attacked as we did after September 11, but it is entirely another to attack innocents as these barbarians did on September 11 and now in Mumbai.

In my opinion, Islamic terrorist are the biggest cowards on the face of the planet. They live to create jihad, a religious war. So what do they do, they attack innocents everywhere they can to try to ensure that jihad occurs. Unlike real soldiers who can come home and report that they fought honorably against a formidable foe, all these losers can brag about is killing women and children in a hospital, or hurting elderly tourist in a hotel, or terrorizing Jewish people who were simply minding their own business.

They then return home and cry victory because they terrified the world. When the fact is that they have no honor or victory, they are simply uncivilized barbarians killing unsuspecting victims in what really is nothing more than garden variety criminal activity brought to a new level. They have nothing to be proud of and they should hang their heads in shame over what they have done. I pity all the children raised by fathers who are nothing more than murderer's and the women who are forced to sleep with disrespectful pigs who would just as soon kill them as look at them!

If the fools only realized that they are only allowed to exist by the good grace of the civilized world. Let's face it, the rest of the world possesses the ability to (literally) wipe them off the map if they wanted to. Heaven knows that they have managed to piss off almost every civilized people on the planet. Did it every occur to these cretins that one day all of the people they abused may just get angry and rise up against them once and for all, and they will have their jihad, but it will not go as they hoped for. And sometimes I think we should, but then, that would make us the same kind of monster that they have become.

I can only hope and pray that Allah, God, Jehova gives these people what they truly deserve!