Friday, December 5, 2008

Not All Muslims Are Terrorist

Allah says very clearly: (Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not do aggression, for Allah loves not the aggressors.) (Al-Baqarah 2: 190)

The above images were sent to me in an Indian group that I belong to. It is usually a light hearted group that shares fun photo's and things, but recently has had a few articles and pictures of the events in Mumbai over the last few days.

These photo's came in a large series of pictures that were sent to me about India and Mumbai after the events. One is a photo of Muslims at a peace gathering releasing doves into the air as a symbol of peace. The others show Muslims praying for the families and souls of those lost during the attacks.

In a previous note, I wrote about how I feel that Islamic extremest are the cause of many of the world's problems and how I did not view them as a religion of peace. While I still hold that to be true (at least regarding extremest), I also believe that there are many Muslim people who simply want to live in peace. I just want to be clear to those who may choose to read my blog that I do not hate Muslims and I do understand that many (certainly most) want to live in a peaceful world. I commend the Muslim people who have the courage and strength of character to stand against their own Islamic brothers who would take their beliefs from those of peace to those of aggression.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I completely understand you Mike! I feel the same way. I always said that if I ever get on a plane somewhere and see more than two Islamic or middle eastern men getting on that plane that I am going to get off and trade my ticket in for the next day. I know that's racist but unfortunately the way their culture has set this up it's hard to look at one and not think trouble. Now that's just reality and I am not ashamed!