Monday, March 16, 2009

Nail Art

This picture was sent to me from a web group that I belong to. It is done entirely in nails that were hammered into the board at different heights. I just think it's amazing that someone could make such an intricate work out of plywood and nails and I think it's worth sharing. I hope you all enjoy.

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Prisons We Create

Note: Photo from by Jeromy

The Prisons We Create

Today I was thinking about the prisons we create for ourselves in our minds. You know, those places that we either refuse to go back to or those places we abandon because of bad experiences in our lives. I came to the conclusion that it is time to be free.

I will give you a couple of examples from the lives of people that I know. One man was in a relationship with a lover for several years. Sadly, the relationship ended and they parted ways. The end of the relationship was not a friendly end and they had some cross words. One of the things said by “John's” former lover was something to the effect of “this city is mine, and I will do all I can to make living here uncomfortable for you, so you had better not show up at any of the places that we used to go to or I will ruin you!”. As a consequence, “John” avoided all of those places to avoid making a scene with his ex.

So what was the end result? Instead of living his life fully and moving forward, “John” stopped going to the places he loved so much and stopped seeing the people he enjoyed so much. While his ex was out enjoying life, “John” lived in a self imposed prison. Avoiding social contact because of a threat made by a bully. Not a good way to live and as far as I know, “John” is still living in exile!

In another example that I know, Jane had a friend that very very close to her. They shared good and bad times and were kindred spirits. They both enjoyed a series of books that had been made into a television series and also enjoyed the series. Jane's friend was killed in an automobile accident.

Not too long after the death of Jane's friend, the production company that put together the first book mini series was taping the rest of the adventure! When I saw the announcement, I thought Jane would be elated, so I told her about it. But instead of joy, I was met with a very sad face and tears and told that Jane could no longer enjoy the Anne of Green Gables series because of the pain she had over her friends death.

So again, instead of thinking fondly about the series and remembering her friend in a warm light. Jane imprisoned herself and refused to allow the joy that would come with viewing the rest of the story. And I also believe that she lost perspective. I just know that her friend would be sitting over her shoulder watching and laughing and crying over Anne's adventures.

Our lives are so short and so transient, it somehow seems a terrible shame to live locked away by memories refusing to continue to go forward. People come and go, they live and die, but no matter what occurs, life goes forward. We have the chance to move forward with it, or to stay locked away in our little tower protecting ourselves from what may lie out there. I prefer to live free, enjoying the time I have left and the gifts and rewards that life gives to me. We can not undo the past, but we can make the future as full as possible.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Gift from Gods Creation

Howdy everyone. For me, the last couple of weeks have been rough. I had a complete computer crash and needed to replace my system. I have an ongoing struggle with a personal relationship and I am not sure I know how to handle it. And finally, I have been dealing with stroke level blood pressure. Needless to say, not a lot to smile about here.

But then I ran into this picture of the Aurora Borealus. It reminded me of the beauty that God can create in even the coldest most remote parts of the world. Right now, my heart feels like the cold northern landscape. But I know that if I just stay steady in my faith, there will be something beautiful on the horizon!

I hope that this note and this colorful display courtesy of God will bring you a ray of hope!

Stay happy!

Ice Sculpture

Hello Everyone. I found this picture of an ice sculpture in a Yahoo Group that I belong to called Nidokidos. It is a fun group that post lots of fun items, Bollywood stuff, games, interesting pictures and even software pointers and reviews. The group has a large Muslim following and you will also see many post if political interest to Muslims as well as Indians and Pakistani's. I reccommend it as a fun group with lots of good things! The link to subscribe is: I hope some out there enjoy it as much as I do!