Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Good Job Pakistan!

I just wanted to post a note to all the Pakistani's who have the courage and the valor to fight against the extremist Taliban. I am proud to see that some parts of the Muslim world will not tolerate extremist trying to take over their homes and trying to force false doctrines of abuse and control on their people. I have complained more than once that we do not see this kind of courage against the Taliban in that part of the world and I am grateful that good Pakistani's have the strong sense of conviction to keep such forces at bay! I commend you all and pray that you will be successful in diverting them away from your home!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy House Hunting!

The house hunt is on. Do you think this is too small for my needs? I was thinking not enough room for family gatherings, but it might just have to do, lol.

I am actively looking for a new place to live. I am always surprised at how many answers I get to an ad and about how diverse the people who answer the ads are. I have had answers from younger folks and older ones, from people of different colors and nationalities, from people in a rush to get you in no matter who you are and from those who want credit and background checks. I swear in some cases a sign that says ‘Axe murderers must bring cash’ would be the appropriate ad text, because some will offer a place to anyone and just don’t seem to care. It seems that all walks of life are sharing housing these days.

I have also had offers for all types of places. From people who own high end homes with mother in law suits that they want to rent out to people who actually want to share one room together in a single bedroom apartment or home. I have seen pictures of large rooms, small rooms, rooms with and without baths. Places with household privileges and places where the rental begins and ends at the room. I have even been sent pictures of dirty rooms with litter all over the carpet and I wonder what kind of individual these attract.

I have also found that the price range on rooming situations is not that wide compared to price ranges when shopping for a house. I have also noticed that the quality of the room does not seem to have much to do with price. It’s almost like most people have a magic number regarding what they consider the value of a single room and bath and they all seem to stick in the same range regardless of whether they live in a palatial home or in a modest hovel.

I am excited about the prospect of the future and even look forward to it. But I do have concerns about repeating the mistakes of the past. Still, I think I have learned enough to move forward and try again. But only time tell.

Another Chapter Ends

Sadly this week, another chapter in my life ends. I was in a living situation with a roommate and it has run it’s course. I find it sad that it could not end on a happy note, but that is the nature of life. Some things end nicely, others are like a car wreck.

I must admit that I feel somewhat distressed at the way this ended because I feel that I have been a good roommate and a good person. I feel angry that I have put a great deal of effort into being a good roommate and the payback for all this effort is to end up frustrated and angry. I am clean, quiet, considerate and respectful. I have never once walked into my roommates room without his permission and have only been in the room once when he invited me to look at the place. I have not ever stolen anything from my roommate and have been lucky to have not had occasion to accidentally break anything around the house.

I do not smoke, I seldom socially drink and I do not get out of control and sloppy when I have had a drink. I clean up after myself, I have good hygiene and I spend most of my spare time playing games on my computer or watching television quietly in my room. I am friendly, polite and kind to my roommate and to any guests he may choose to have over.

About a year ago, I was in a similar situation that did not end well. In that situation, I was feeling totally justified about ending the agreement as my previous roommate as a bit crazy. She would turn the temperature in our home down to the 60’s at night and would raise it up into the 80’s during the daytime. It was a no brainer that I had to get out and she needed to get a dose of reality.

In the current situation however, I feel at a loss. I will not give the details of the issues that we ran into here. I will not talk about them in part because it would take much too long to write or discuss here and partly because the issues are sensitive in nature and I do not want them spread out for all the world to see. But I will say how I am feeling about them.

I got home last Tuesday a bit early because I had earned some award time at work. I was relaxing in my room when my roommate knocked on the door hard and said ‘we have to talk’. When I came out, my roommate did not want to talk at all, he rather had a canned speech prepared for me and simply read me the riot act and asked me to leave in 30 days. He did return my rent to me to 'pay' for a new deposit elsewhere and I gleefully accepted!

As I mentioned earlier the things that he accused me of were sensitive in nature. I was also baffled because they had some element of truth to them, however the facts as he represented them were grossly inaccurate and were totally blown out of proportion to the point where the true elements of the issues could no longer be recognized. He also brought up an incident that I had told him about that happened almost 20 years ago and acted as if that was current and relevant information to support his argument.

I was not offered any opportunity to express my side of the issue and the fact is that he did not want to discuss the issue. He wanted to make his judgment and ruling and call it a day. At first I was dumbfounded. I was angry and wanted to get back at him for accusing me the way he did and even more for his total lack of interest in the facts. He had declared himself judge and jury and had issued his verdict.

But over the last few days, I have rather decided that I will not cast my pearls before swine and I will let it rest. The fact is that he has had a history of bad behaviors starting last February when he totally stopped talking and communicating without any provocation or incident. He would not speak to me and would lock himself in his room every day after work.

Several weeks after he stopped talking he approached me asking why I was avoiding him. I told him that I am not avoiding him, but I simply cannot carry on conversations with someone who is only able to respond with simple one syllable answers to any and all questions. If he wanted a friendship as we used to enjoy, he would have to participate, it was just that simple. From that time on, he would answer, but only when spoken to.

In any event, my feeling is just to say F*** it! I have too many good things going for me to let this interrupt my life and I simply don’t want to argue any more. So house hunting moves forward!

So to my roommate I offer you the one finger salute!