Friday, December 4, 2009

A bag of POOP!

I have decided to use my blog as a forum to tell off a few people.  I have always made it a practice to try to be a gentleman when confronted, especially when I was not at fault.  But I find that as I get older, it gets harder to swallow.  So, I just want to say a little something to some of those who have offended me.  

Today, I am giving this space to the lady who hung a bag of cat poop on my door in Newport News.  I know you will never read this, but it makes me feel good to tell the world what kind of person you are.  You accused my cat of littering your flower beds with waste on several occasions.  I was kind and gentlemanly and explained that I do not let my cat out of the house and pointed out that there were two cats who were almost identical to the one you see sleeping in my window in our building alone.  They looked so alike that the cat owners would even get confused.  But you insisted that the offending beast was mine.  

One day when you thought I was not at home because I was having my car worked on.  You attached a bag of feces to my door.  I watched you do it through my peep hole and my neighbor also caught you in the act.  When I politely confronted you, you lied.  I pointed out that I watched you in the act and so did my neighbor.  You still had the nerve to lie even when confronted with eye witnesses.  

The bottom line is simple.  My life has moved on and I no longer live next to a pill who lies and does spiteful acts to her neighbors even when she does not have the facts in order.  I do not have to live next to a deceitful liar who does not have the courage of her convictions.  I simply do not have to tolerate your nonsense any longer.  Sadly, you still have to live with yourself and the hatred and ugliness that you spew.  

I am also grateful that because of you and a minute few others like you.  I no longer behave like a gentlemen.  I confront at the first offense and I do not back down.  If you were my neighbor today, you would have been removed from the complex because I would have brought the pictures that I took to management and laughed as you were evicted.  Thank you for making me a stronger person!  

Thanks to you, I am still a nice guy.  But I am no longer a doormat for abusers!

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