Sunday, July 4, 2010

Just tired of the crap!

Today started like a normal day. I did some laundry, wrote notes to a few friends and got up and around and cleaned up. I had plans with a friend for noon. I was running a bit late (about 3-5 minutes) but I showed up at my 'friends' place. Much to my surprise and shock, I was greeted as if I was some sort of alien and as if we had no plans. To make matters worse, he was just plain rude about it as if we were strangers or enemies. I was so taken back that I apologized and walked back to my car wounded like a beaten puppy. We even took the time to confirm our plans yesterday and all was good. I find myself wondering did I miss some social que along the way.
About the 'friendship' the answer is easy. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. He was given a chance as a friend and he is now off the list. No problem there.
But as the emotional part goes I am shattered. I thought this was a normal decent person. I have always treated him well and in the short time we have known each other we have not had any bad blood of any kind to speak of. Hell, we haven't known each other long enough to have any damage to our friendship. I find myself wondering what kind of character defect I have that makes people believe that they can pretend to be my friend one day and treat me as if I were human trash the next.
The sane adult part of me says don't worry, this is obviously a flawed character. Whatever is going on has nothing to do with you and everything to do with him. But the injured child inside is sitting in the corner, eyes down, crying and wondering why he is not good enough for the world.
Sometimes I just wish there was someone bigger and stronger to protect me in times like this, but this is real life, we just have to struggle through! But at least there is one revenge, wherever he goes, he is there and will have to live with who he is and what he does. I only wish I could watch!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's NOT you - it was him.
Hugs and Love,