Sunday, August 28, 2011

After Hurricane Irene

Hello All, I was walking the beach this morning.  Two days after Hurricane Irene hit.  While there were far fewer people than nornal, it overall seemed like business as usual.  Young tanned men showing off on surfboards for pretty girls, old guys like me with dark tans, big bellies and white wooly chest hair standing out against their brown skin -- wishing we could still impress the young!  Naked toddlers searching for shells and playing in the surf. 

You would hardly remember that two days ago the pier was shaking and battered by salt water and wind.  You would not think of the back yard fences that are laying still waiting to be revived or about the flooding that happened just a brief time ago.  I scarcely even wonder if the two foolish young men playing in the hurricane surf are alive and well or shark fodder. 

The truth is, I have no point to make here.  I am just happy that the world here is back to normal and I hope that everyone else's world gets back to normal too.  Please pray for those taking the brunt of the storm right now.  

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