Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hate in America and the Larry King Murder

Hello everyone,

Today I was sent a video clip from the Ellen show. It is a clip of Ellen talking about the tragedy that occurred when 15 year old Larry King told another male student named Brandon that he wanted Brandon to be his Valentine. For those of you that do not know the story, Brandon reacted to Larry by taking his life a few days later. The clip follows:

Throughout the history of the world, Hate has been responsible for more deaths than any other cause. Hate has been marketed in a number of different packages, but it always remains the same. How many great tragedies in history began and ended in hate, the torment of Christians by the Roman empire, the torment of non Christians during the so called Great Crusades, women and girls accused of witchcraft drowned and stoned, Jews packed off to death camps by Hitler, Serbs and Croatians killing each other when they once lived in peace together, the destruction of the trade towers by some who hate America. Each and every tragedy simply because one group hated another. And as it is true on a large scale, it is also true on a small scale.

Stephen stoned for his belief in Christ, Dr. Martin Luthor King murdered for his belief that we can all live freely, peacefully and equally, Matthew Shepard left to die in the cold night hung on a fencepost simply because two men were offended that he dared to be gay. And now, 15 year old Larry King murdered for daring to ask someone to be his valentine.

The fact is that Larry King at 15 had more courage than many gay men and women develop over a lifetime. He came to grips with his homosexual nature; he openly confronted it and dealt with it. He lived with each and every humiliation and degradation for being different, and he ultimately paid for his courage with his life.

As a consequence of Brandon McInerney murdering Larry King, numbers of lives have been changed forever. Larry’s parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends and acquaintances must all live with the fact that he is gone. Brandon must live the rest of his days on earth as a known murderer and his family must deal with the consequences of raising a killer. When will it all stop?

As for myself, I have resolved to not let Larry King’s death be in vain. I will show the courage of my conviction to live openly as a gay man and I will deal with the consequences of my choice. I will openly speak about hate and the need to end it in whatever form it rears its ugly head. My question is what will you do?

Note to Larry’s Parents: Thank you so much for raising a hero. As a parent I feel deeply for your loss. I will remain grateful to you and your son for the courage you have displayed as a family.

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