Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sexual Racism, Yes or No??

Like many of us, I belong to several web based groups. In one of those groups, someone brought up the topic of Sexual Racism. The topic centered around people submitting personal ads looking for either short term lovers or for long term partners, however these ads featured race limiting comments. No Blacks please, no Whites please, only Asians please and so forth.

I am curious to see how people here feel about this issue. Is it racist for someone to express a desire to meet only people of certain ethnic groups when considering a romantic interest? Or, is it simply a matter of personal taste and attraction? Or, is it somewhere in between?

While it is on a slightly different subject, I am a large 51 year old man, single and dating. I find that many people have no desire to date someone my age or my size or both. Does that make them prejudiced, or do we all simply have preferences? Are our preferences a manifestation of our bigotry, or are they simply attractions? Have we as a society become so extremely concerned about bigotry, fairness and equality that we have forgotten that people simply have preferences about how they want to live their own personal lives?

Please take a moment to add a comment to this article and to tell us what you think. Simply click on the comment link at the end of this note and add your thoughts. I am looking forward to hearing from you all.


Anonymous said...

i don't think it's racism i think it's just preference... like me for example... while i love hanging out with people of ANY race and talking to them... i just don't really tend to be attracted to black guys. that doesn't mean i don't like them... and that doesn't mean that i would never date one, just means that i most likely wouldn't prefer one to mess around with... if that makes sense

Anonymous said...

I agree, I think preference for size, color, sex all stem from the same place. I really think it's endemic to the person From early in life. I have a friend who only dates young beauties. I can't tell you the times he has been scrammed, robbed and just plain taken advantage of. He never learns and he never looks at a different type. He will never learn.

Anonymous said...

I think that it is all a matter of preference, however, when generalizations like all black men are trash or white men are better than any other race, then that becomes racist because you have smudged that fine line of preference and put generalized judgements. I, personally, have dated white and black men and have seen no difference. My very best friend of now twelve years used to date me in high school and he later confided in me that he was gay. I didn't get upset, we made the very smooth transition from dating to friendship and is still extremely close to this day. To me it is more of a matter of who I connect with and how that person's integrity and personality fits with mine. I also have friends of all races, however, I have more white friends than ever and have always been condemned for this. I deal more with white because I have not been judged by white, while black women, in particular, have judged me and talked behind my back. I know all black women are not like that, but until I am proven wrong I guess that feeling will always stay. I guess that's a little racist but it's based upon experience, not what I have been told as a child. There is a difference.