Thursday, May 8, 2008

A New Adventure

Over the weekend of the 17th of May, I will be starting a new adventure. I will be moving into a different home with a roommate. For many that probably does not seem like a new adventure, but for me, it is something I have not done in many years. I am looking forward to both the fun and challenge of it all.

As I mentioned in a pervious post, I am saving to get myself into a mobile home and into a more independent situation. I have discovered that a roommate situation is much less expensive than a renting situation. So, I have decided to move forward and give it a try.

For the last 7 years, I have lived with one of my children at all times. First with my younger son and now with my older son, his wife and my grand baby. I love being near family and I love having Angel boy (my grandson) with me. But, like everything else, there is a time to move on. My family needs their space and I need my independence back.

After much searching, I have met a lovely lady in my own age group that is looking to share her home with a roommate. It is a lovely home in another city nearby and it is located much closer to my workplace. But not too far away to enjoy time with my family whenever we want to get together.

I am so excited about being in a new place, about being closer to the ocean and about having someone my age to share time and common experience with. On the other hand, I fear I will die if I am not there for the next adventure in the Angel boy’s life. (He just learned to say my name! hoo-rah!). For me, it’s a time filled with a lot of fun and excitement and mixed emotions. I feel like a young person moving away from home for the first time.

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