Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Thanksgiving Wish

I just wanted to take a moment to wish anyone who reads this a Happy and Warm Thanksgiving. I pray that your holiday season will be filled with joy and that the new year will bring you many reasons for thankfulness!

Farwell To GW, My Style

This is GW as I see him. I often wonder if he realizes that he will go down in history as the worst president of all time. Anyway, it's almost over and I am so glad to see his time coming to an end. Let's hope that President Elect Obama will set America back on the right course!

Monday, November 24, 2008

A Thanksgiving Thought

Hey all, I know that the economy sucks right now, but you have more to be thankful for than the turkey above does!

On a serious note. This is the time of year when we should be thinking about all that we have to be Thankful for, so here goes:

I am thankful for my family, my mother, my children and their spouses and my wonderful grand son. I am thankful that I have a brand new grand daughter on the way. I am thankful for my best friend Dennis. I am thankful for my roommate Steve. I am thankful that I live in a nice home that is warm and cozy. I am thankful for all the little extra's I have been lucky to have. I am thankful for good health. And I am thankful for the trials that I have had because they (hopefully) make me a better and wiser person. And finally, I am thankful to God for what he has given me and for what he has withheld to make me stronger.

Now it's your turn, please add a note of thanks in the comments section!

Fianlly I know where it came from!

Scientist have finally discovered where homosexuality comes from...NOT. But I thought it was worth a laugh. Gay gum with a fresh fruit flavor, works for me! I am happy in my gay skin, I hope you happy in whatever skin God gave you!

Monday, November 10, 2008

A Little More Nature

A Moment With Nature

Hello All, I am not feeling well today, but I thought I would share a couple of cool photo's with you. I am stuck in the house sick and I found a little bit of nature inspirational. I hope you enjoy too!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Think Before You Speak

I always enjoy the picture above. I am not sure whether it's real or photo shopped, but I like it anyway. When I was young, my parents always told me to think before I speak. And when I see a picture like this, I find myself understanding why they told me what they told me. Frequently when people speak, they do not realize the impression they give and the impact that they have.

These ladies are a great case in point. If I were a young man in their time, maybe the 1880's, I would certainly have taken heed of this photo. In fact, to ensure I would avoid the sour faces seen here and to ensure that I would never chance locking lips with one of these vixens, I might not only have a second drink if I were a drinker, I might even take up drinking if I was a tea drinker! After all, the best way to be saved from their grasp is to drink long and strong!

Now if you don't believe the same principle is alive today, take a look at the presidency of George W. Bush. All of America watched him bring the nation lower and lower until we simply could not imagine going any lower without being labeled a third world nation. All of America watched one blunder after another. All of America watched our children die as oil profits for his connections skyrocketed. And all of America said, if this is what the extreme right has to bring to the table, we DON'T want it! You should have thought before you spoke George.

Think Before You Speak!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Predicting the Future

The caption on this photo reads "Scientist from Rand Corporation have created this model to illustrate how a "home computer" could look like in the year 2004. However the needed technology would not be feasible for the average home. Also the scientist readily admit that the computer will require not yet invented technology to actually work, but 50 years from now scientific progress is expected to solve these problems. With teletype interface and the Fortran language the computer will be easy to use."

So here we have it. In 1954 scientist were projecting what computers would be like in the future. They were certainly right about technology changing to solve the problems that they were working on. But I think they were just a little off regarding whether the average home could house a "home computer".

Just a fun bit to think about. And while you are thinking, a few questions. Is it really progress that we have computers in our homes? Has it made the average home better because students have the world at their fingertips, or has it made the world worse as we become a society of fat recluse people with poor social skills? Has it opened up the world for shut in's, or has it closed the world for people who choose to sit in front of the magic box rather than experiencing life first hand 'out there'? Has the world progressed as a result of our ability to have all this info in our homes, or have we simply created a new venue for men to masturbate looking at pictures of lovers they will never possess? Just food for thought!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We did it America, Almost, Sort of!

Congrats to our new Commander and Chief, Barack Obama.

Overall I am very excited about the presidential election yesterday. America got Barack Obama and he is exactly what we need right NOW! And if that was all there is to the election, I would be on cloud 9 right today.

However, in California with 91% of the precincts counted it looks like a sad day for gays! You see, a while back California enacted a law allowing gays the equality to marry. The California supreme court upheld that law. All was good, until the Bigots all decided to get together and rob gays of their chance to be treated as true equals. They enacted a ballot initiative that would overturn the right for gays to marry in that state.

As always they claim that gay marriage is a threat to family and home. I guess they fear that all those fundamental Christians, skinheads, KKK members and various other racist and religious lunatics will give up their heterosexual family ties and run out to marry members of the gay and lesbian community. I seriously doubt that could happen as none of the gays and lesbians I know want relationships with extreme right wing bigots. It sounds silly and childish, doesn't it? And it is silly and childish. Allowing gays and lesbians to marry has absolutely no effect on the traditional family at all.

In fact, it would simply create more family units in America. I can envision Pat Robertson and James Dobson divorcing their wives and running to the Justice of the Peace! Who would be the bride? Do Pat, or James for that matter, have the right to wear white? I am told that Fred Phelps would officiate and that Ted Haggard would be best man (at least we know the truth about Ted)! And I can just hear the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing 'O Happy Day' in the background as the happy couple seal their vows with a kiss!

Whoops, sorry, moment of temporary insane bliss.

Back to reality. I think it's pathetic that bigots decide if it's OK for good people to love. I think it's sad that responsible adults can not choose to legitimize their relationships. I think the fact that men like Ted Haggard end up on drugs consorting with prostitutes speaks loud and clear as to what the effect of a repressed self hating lifestyle has on a gay man! And I think it's time for change!

It's time to stand up and fight for what is ours!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today's the Day! Let's Make a Difference America!

This is a pic that someone sent me around Halloween titled "Ready for Halloween". I could not resist a bit of humor to break the ice a bit. But today we have the chance to get America back and to make changes that will effect our lives as Americans for generations to come. Please take the time to get out to the polls and vote!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Think About What You Are Doing To America!

This is a parody of the McCain/Palin signs, but the truth is here. The time is now, think about who we are electing and where they will take the country. We can have 4-8 more years of incompetent, or we can have something new! What's your choice!