Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Mumbai Attacks

I just wanted to take a moment to express my opinion of the Mumbai attacks. They were apparently committed by members of an extremest Islamic group. I find myself with several thoughts racing through my mind.

First, I always hear that Islam is a religion of peace. I struggle to understand that. I find that again and again, when there is trouble in the world, there is some Islamic faction to blame. The world trade towers, Islamics, The Bangkok events, Islamics, The constant middle east struggle between Israel and the Arab world, Islamics, The events on the subways of London, Islamics, trouble in the Philippines, Islamics and now India, Islamics again. To me, it is clear that these Islamic fundamentalist are not people of peace, but are rather monsters without souls simply doing as much damage to the world as they can.

What irks me the most about these people is that they are not fighting an honorable war against honorable people. They are simply hurting innocents and can't even clearly state whatever it is that they want to accomplish. To me, it is one thing to go to war against another country when one's boarders have been attacked as we did after September 11, but it is entirely another to attack innocents as these barbarians did on September 11 and now in Mumbai.

In my opinion, Islamic terrorist are the biggest cowards on the face of the planet. They live to create jihad, a religious war. So what do they do, they attack innocents everywhere they can to try to ensure that jihad occurs. Unlike real soldiers who can come home and report that they fought honorably against a formidable foe, all these losers can brag about is killing women and children in a hospital, or hurting elderly tourist in a hotel, or terrorizing Jewish people who were simply minding their own business.

They then return home and cry victory because they terrified the world. When the fact is that they have no honor or victory, they are simply uncivilized barbarians killing unsuspecting victims in what really is nothing more than garden variety criminal activity brought to a new level. They have nothing to be proud of and they should hang their heads in shame over what they have done. I pity all the children raised by fathers who are nothing more than murderer's and the women who are forced to sleep with disrespectful pigs who would just as soon kill them as look at them!

If the fools only realized that they are only allowed to exist by the good grace of the civilized world. Let's face it, the rest of the world possesses the ability to (literally) wipe them off the map if they wanted to. Heaven knows that they have managed to piss off almost every civilized people on the planet. Did it every occur to these cretins that one day all of the people they abused may just get angry and rise up against them once and for all, and they will have their jihad, but it will not go as they hoped for. And sometimes I think we should, but then, that would make us the same kind of monster that they have become.

I can only hope and pray that Allah, God, Jehova gives these people what they truly deserve!


Anonymous said...

Wow! That is so well said and so unfortunately true!

Jockguy said...

I have to say that I think you've made a lot of sweeping statements that don't really address the issue of terrorism.
First, all the problems in the world are not caused by Islam. One could say that George W. made a lot of innocent people either dead or in fear, not just from the terrorists, but from the Americans as well.

You make it sound like only the US has high reasons for being in these wars; How do you explain the torturous treatment of prisoners both at Al Grebe and in Guantanamo. To many in the world our actions are viewed as dangerous and a threat to ALL the world. Going against the UN recommendation to wait, our country went in anyway. Are we above the law? We have made the Geneva Convention worth nothing, but you know as well as I that if the tables were turned and they were torturing our soldiers, we would be the first to cry "foul".
Now i am not suggesting that the actions of SOME muslims have been inexcusable but they are only a small percentage of these terrorists.
Surely, terrorism is a thing that should not be allowed to exist in Al Quaida OR the United States.
History abounds with 'religious wars" (jihad)

Weren't we as fanatical during the Crusades?

In my life I have come to see that people who say they have a corner on God. God supports THEM!
The enemy is EVIL. How can you argue anything with this?
Again, I want to stress of these events are complex and will be felt for many years to come. Look how many were psychologically wounded in Viet Nam and how many years before that was addressed.

We cannot impose our style of democracy on others. God knows we're having a hard time making it work here.

By the way, I really like your blog site; especially the first page. You did a good job.

Wasn't it togo who said, "We have spotted the enemy, and they is us!" To many in the world we are seen as even more dangerous than Al Quaida. Hopefully, we will be able to extract ourselves from this folly of a war and to achieve credibility in the world.

Mickey said...

Thanks Erica and Jockguy,

I just wanted to comment briefly on your response Jockguy. I feel that I did a terribly inadequate job at expressing my frustration and I do need to refocus my attention on those who are extremist rather than on Islam in general. My own personal belief is simple. I believe that ANY ideology in the extremes is wrong, whether that be religious, political or otherwise. I will try to clarify my position better in future posts. I also wanted to tell you that I totally agree with you in regard to George W and what he had done to detract from the image of America in the eyes of the world community. It will take us years to recover from his two terms. I hope you visit often and add your comments to spur me to thought!