Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Special Thank You!

Hello All

I wanted to take a moment to say a special thank you to two customers that I worked with today. One was male, the other was a female. Both of you took the liberty of screaming at me in tones so shrill and harsh that I could not make out what you were saying. Both of you shouted at me for prolonged periods of time, the guy won out with a tantrum lasting over 35 minutes. My company does not allow me to disconnect the call when people who behave as you do reach my line, so I have to have to calmly wait as you shout phrases at me that would make your mother blush and then I have to try to determine what the issue you are having is and resolve it for you. You make me grateful for so many things. First, I am grateful that when I start to behave like you have, I am reminded of my job and how stressful dealing with assholes all day every day is. It gives me great perspective about what really matters in life and reminds me how to treat others. Next, I grateful that you are your spouses and families problems and not mine, because I only have to deal with you for a short time in my life, they have to hear it daily, I feel great pity for those poor souls. I am also grateful that I have a job and good benefits in this economy. You may be a royal pain in the ass, but your keeping food on my table. And finally, I am very grateful that you are not too bright. One of you actually got so worked up that you could not breathe and had a coughing spell as you were shouting at me. When it was over, you said, See, can't you tell I am sick! To which I responded, yes, I can in a very quiet, calm and reassuring tone. However, I was not talking about your physical condition, I was referencing your very sick mind, you allowed me to say that directly to your face and actually thought I was having pity on you. And there is one other thing I am grateful for, when it was all over, I got to my peaceful home and spoke with a friend and my children about my day. I am so happy that I have good people in my life to remove the poison that people like you add to the world. At times, I want to pray that God will send you others like yourself to teach you a lesson in good manners, but then I remind myself that nobody, not even people like you, deserves to be treated like you treated me and I instead pray that God will have mercy on your tormented condition.

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