Monday, September 7, 2009

Adam and Steve

Adam and Steve
Sorry, I do not know who to credit for this art! If anyone knows, please write me and I will credit the artist.

I am tired of hearing Fundamentalist pastors loudly proclaiming "God did not create Adam and Steve, God created Adam and Eve!". The fact is that they could not be more wrong. God created us all, Adam, Steve and Eve. Fundamentalist in their twisted minds like to proclaim that only they have the ear of God and only they will given salvation by the grace of God. Again, they are incorrect, God in the scripture is very clear when He proclaims that "whosoever will" may come to Him. There is no place in the scripture where God proclaims that only fundamentalist will come to him, in fact, quite to the contrary. It is clear in the scripture that Jesus had a deep contempt for the pharisees and saducees of the day. They were the religious community who followed the law to the letter, but harbored hatred in their hearts like our fundamental friends. Jesus was so angry with them that He angrily cleared the temple because of their behavior. God has a place for gay people, He loves us and redeems us fully and compassionately. God will not turn his back on us and those who say He will are in serious danger of eternal torment. GLBT people need to take refuge and comfort in the fact that God does love us. We need to recognize that our fundamental brothers and sisters are seriously misguided. We need to reach out to them in love and Christian compassion. We need to be the example and to bring light into their limited and dark world. And for those of us who have been hurt by them and by the church, we need to forgive as they are Gods children too!


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