Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tea Party Express

Today I read an article about the Tea Party Express. They are the conservative group trying to save America by refusing us health care options and by protesting what they see as out of control government spending. Sounds like a nobel cause, doesn't it. But it leaves a few questions open for me.

First, in reference to health care. Right now, there are millions of Americans without health care at all. Do these wise conservative sages know who pays when these people have major health issues and can not pay? We do, it's that simple. So as long as we sit back and do nothing about health care, Americans without coverage will simply be a burdon on the backs of taxpayers. An investment in health care reform, especially in health care that will cover all Americans, will save millions and even trillions in the future. Hawaii is a good example of what requiring health insurance can do for a state. Hawaii is the most expensive state in the union to reside in, except when it comes to health care. By Hawaiian law, employers must insure their employees. The end result is that they have the lowest health care cost in the country. So my question is this my conservative friends. How do you propose saving money by leaving millions uninsured and unprotected? Are you going to contribute the funds when these people are hit with major medical issues? Are you going to fund the expense of the medical test that they need? Or is your plan to simply let Americans die in the streets to save a few bucks on taxes?

Another question that I have for you is even more simple and not related to any specific item. I would simply like to know where you all were while your friend and leader George W. Bush was responsible for ending all of the government deficit ending programs and spent more than all other presidents in history combined? Wasn't spending more than all presidents of all time combined an issue to get excited about? And we have nothing to show for all his spending except for the pain and grief of all the parents, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters and loved ones of our soldiers that have died as a consequence of two wars that he started under false premises to support his oil interest!

It amazes me how a conservative government like George W Bush ran can be so extremely inept and can leave America in total devistation on the brink of a depression like we have never seen before and conservatives will still ask for more. Do you understand that it was your choice of leader who put us in the crisis that we are in? Do you understand that the new government has been left to clean up a mess that is literally of Biblical proportions? You act as if the 8 years of Bush tyranny never occured, but the fact is, you and your party are responsible for this mess and you should get on the bandwagon and help solve the problems, not contribute to making them worse!

Hopefully you will all wake up and stop being lemmings before you reach the edge of the cliff!

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