Sunday, March 14, 2010

Gay "Liberation"

A couple of days back I read an article about a lesbian couple who had broken up.  The couple had a child together and raised it as their own with two mothers.  The birth mother no longer wanted the marriage and left her partner.  She decided to go to another state and start a 'straight' life.  

The adoptive mother is now involved in the courts trying to get access to the child that she raised as her own daughter.  I find it interesting that an avowed lesbian claims to magically be straight to avoid her responsibility as a parent and as a divorced person.  Straight couples work out custody issues every day and children are allowed to see their parents.  It sickens me when we as gays scream and whine about wanting equal rights, then we use 'straight' law to avoid our responsibilities.  

I feel sorry for the child that is being denied access to her loving mother.   I feel sorry for the adoptive mother who is now forced to fight for family time with her child.  I also feel sorry for the gay community because the behaviors of the birth mother bring shame and ridicule on us.   I feel sorry for everyone involved except for the selfish cruel birth parent who has taken a loving child away from her loving mother.  

If we as gays want equal rights then we need to live appropriately.  We need to accept the responsibilities that come with those rights.  If we are to raise children together, then we need to be adults and share parenting if we decide to end a relationship.  Not for our own sake, but for the sake of the child.  We do not need to act the fool and use the weaknesses of the 'straight' system to defend our actions.  

The simple fact of the matter is that this woman is using the flaws in the 'straight' system to keep her child away from it's mother.  She as birth mother is claiming that there is no legitimate relationship between the child and her adoptive mother and she is using the legal system to allow her to do what would land any straight parent in jail.    She is using the inherent flaws in the 'straight' system to be cruel to her child and to the girls adoptive mother.  

When my ex wife tried to deny me access to my children a very stern judge told her point blank to her face that if she interfered with our together time again he would put her in jail and then I would have all the time I wanted with my children.  I wonder who will act as an advocate for this adoptive parent?  Will the courts do what is right and make the birth parent share parenting time with the adoptive parent?  Or will a vindictive angry lesbian get away with using the unfairness in the  straight oriented system to treat one of her own community poorly?  

I think we all know what to expect.  The child will bear the consequences of her unfit birth mothers actions.  And to make matters worse the heterosexual oriented court system will be a partner in the destruction of this little girl's life when they are instead supposed to do what is right for the child.  But the political agenda's of an angry lesbian and the religious right will be intact so I guess that makes it all right.  

Friday, March 5, 2010

Common Decency

Yesterday I was watching a court show.  I admit, I am guilty, I love them!  On this particular day, there was a dispute over a dog.  One person claimed the dog was stolen by a neighbor and neutered, the neighbor said the dog was given to her as a gift by a breeder friend.  As the story unfolded the audience discovered that the dog got into possession of the current caretaker because the person literally walked up and took the dog away from a little 8 year old girl who was walking the pet at the time.  

What upset me even more was that the adult who grabbed the dog from the child and left her sobbing on the sidewalk had no remorse or sense that she had done anything wrong.  I was also upset that someone I was watching the show with agreed with the offending adult, after all, it may be their property and they were 'RIGHT' to get it back.  I am sorry, but I just can not agree.  

To me, there is a right way to do things and a wrong way to get them done.  While I understand that the person may have been 'RIGHT', I do not believe they proceeded in the correct manner at all.  The fact is that the issue of ownership of the dog remains unresolved.  However, even if the person who took the animal is the true owner, shouldn't there be room for human decency in the way she conducts herself.  Or does being right absolve you of all responsibility to be a good human being?  

This woman could have taken note of the child and which home she came from.  (They were neighbors and were familiar with each other.)  She could have spoken to the parents of the child to try to resolve the dispute.  She could have called the police or she could have started a lawsuit when the family was unwilling to give the animal up. All of which would have been much more civil than taking the dog from a small child and running off like a common criminal and all of those choices would have given the parents time to prepare the child for the possibility that the neighbor may end up getting the dog.  But instead, she chose to traumatize a small child and act like a total ass.  She then went on national television and bragged that she was right to behave as she did.   

I believe that people should pick their battles as wisely as possible.  I believe that children should be treated reasonably.  I believe that in any situation that involves and adult and a child, the adult should act like an adult.                     

There is a Bible verse that simply states that love covers a multitude of sin.  Maybe if more people acted in love with tough situations happen, less people in the world would be walking wounded carrying old traumas around.  Sometimes being 'RIGHT' should take a back seat to being a good human being!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sometimes Life Surprises Me!

Every now and again life hands me a little surprise.  As anyone who reads this may recall, I had not one, but two bad roommate experiences over the last couple of years.  I moved into a new place with new roommates over 8 months ago.  I am pleased to say that the honeymoon is not over and we still get along famously.  And, because we live in a large house, my daughter and her boyfriend and baby are living with me too!  So I have the best of family and friends all under one roof.  I would have never thought that it would all work out so I could be close to my grand baby and still have great roommates too.  I am glad life handed me what it did.  I learned a lesson about people and managed to end up in a much better place over time!  

Lesson Learned is simple "KEEP THE FAITH"