Friday, April 2, 2010

My DMV Trip

Hi All. Today I made my annual pilgrimage to the DMV here in Chesapeake Virginia. It started off like a normal day. In fact, It is sunny and bright here and I was quite happy to see that the lines were reasonable and the people at the facility were nice. (Which by the way destroys my theory that they are not paid by the hour, but rather are compensated by how many people they can piss off in a day....but that's another story!) I got my license renewal and photo and went to pay for my tags, two years mind you so I don't have to go back next year. Life was good. And then it happened. When I went to make my payment I discovered that the city of Norfolk (did I mention I live in Chesapeake) had decided to put a hold on my license and registration because I did not pay them taxes for the time I lived in Chesapeake. Norfolk claimed that they did not know that I lived in Chesapeake. I countered that they had sent the original bill to me in Chesapeake at my address and when I called them back when it happened and asked about it they told me to ignore it as it was sent in error. They even admitted that my Chesapeake address was the address on file! They assured me that it would all be taken care of in just a half hour or so. I got very upset. I already waited for my turn in line at the DMV and now I am sitting here waiting for some bureaucrat to correct their error and all I have to do is wait another 30 minutes for no reason. It did not take them 30 minutes to screw up my life! They were even warned ahead when I called and said I was billed in error and they still did not correct the problem. Their representative then put me on hold and never came back. I got upset and called in asking to speak to their supervisor. The supervisor assured me that the correction was in and I could get my tags, so much for the 30 minute wait. But you know what set me off more than anything. I never once got an apology from anyone in Norfolk for their mistake. They treated my case as if they were entitled to screw with peoples lives and acted like it was my civil duty to just tolerate being treated poorly and being ignored. Even when I pointed out the the supervisor how lacking his employee was in social skills and how poorly I was treated, he simply corrected the problem and dismissed me without any attempt to be kind and accept responsibility for their actions. I have decided not to let this drop. I will be sending an email and a letter to the city of Norfolk demanding an apology and I will make sure everyone I know is aware how the city of Norfolk treats people!

PS, the car in the pic is not mine, but I can dream, can't I? Just like I dream of being treated well by Norfolk employees! hahahahahaa

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