Saturday, September 20, 2008

Murderer Winkler Given Full Custody Of Kids

I am furious again at the actions of a Tennessee judge in giving Mary Winkler custody of her children. In case you don't remember who she is, Mary Winkler is the white trash sleaze that killed her preacher husband. She then took the children and decided to take a vacation. She was actually picked up in a hotel relaxing and having a good old time while her husband's dead body lay rotting until it was discovered. She subsequently spent a whole 12 days, that's right 12 days--not years, in jail paying for her crime. She was let out on the tough stipulation that she get therapy for a few months. And now a judge who apparently views the safety of children as optional has granted her full custody of her children. So, in less than two years time, this depraved debutante murdered her husband, has been allowed to walk on the cold blooded murder of her husband, has served her 'hard' time, has been 'rehabilitated' and now has full custody of her children.

The following is a direct quote from a CNN article today. "Judge Ron Harmon of Carroll County Chancery Court returned full custody following a brief hearing, saying he was pleased that Winkler and her former in-laws have agreed to work together for the good of the children." Of course the grandparents have to 'work' with Winkler, it's the only way they can stay in the picture to try to ensure that the 'perfect' wife does not become the 'perfect' mother when one of the kids spills milk! What the hell kind of moron is the so called judge anyway?

I find myself wondering how those little girls were feeling as their mother walked them past daddy's dead body telling them 'don't worry girls, we will take a nice vacation and everything will be OK.' What kind of fear and twisted reality did this monster introduce to their lives. And how on earth can it be 'right' to give these little ones back to this blood thirsty parasite. The fact is if a man committed the same crime under the same circumstance, he would be lucky to see the light of day again after 30 years of being bumf***ed by some guy named Bruno. And thoughts of ever seeing his children again would be only pipe dreams.

The lack of fairness and equality in the American justice system sometimes overwhelms me. If this woman was so unhappy she could have left and simply applied for a divorce. She instead made a decision to murder a man in cold blood. She then she claims the killing was an accident, she claims abuse and she walks without any punishment whatsoever.

My heart is sincerely saddened at the thought of those wonderful little girls being put into the hands of their fathers killer.

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