Saturday, September 20, 2008

On the lighter side!

OK, so my last post was a bit heavy. I thought I would treat you to these pics of a bear relaxing after a long day of whatever it is bears do in the woods! I have no idea who to credit as these pics were just sent to me from another on line group, but whoever you are, thank you for making my day!


Anonymous said...

Hi, wish I could get my kids to sit as quietly. That bear looks as if he were posed. My daughter is out of the Army now. they are trying to deny her the collage benefits the government tempted her with to join. The ruined her feet. she walks with a limp and cannot take a job where she must stand for long hours. Still I guess I shouldn't complain. At least I got her back alive.
Forgive me for complaining. I wish the government felt as strongly about keeping the faith with the soldiers as it expects from us.

Mickey said...

I am glad to hear you got her back too! You have every right to express your opinion!