Monday, September 15, 2008

Now Is Our Chance America!

In a few weeks we will decide who will lead our country for the next 4 years. We have an opportunity now to put an end to the damage that the George W. Bush years have done to America. In case you are unaware, GW has spent more than all previous administrations put together. America would have had a balanced budget by 2009 under the plan put forward by the Reagan administration and the close watch and agreement of those subsequent administrations, but GW put an end to that and have spent more than any other president in history. He has pulled us out of the world court, he has sent thousands of our sons and daughters to early graves and he has made the United States the laughing stock of the entire planet It's time for a change, please do your part to ensure that America does not have to survive another 4 years of government without responsiblilty, please vote for change!


Anonymous said...

Love your article. I tremble at the thought of Palin/McCain ticket. Why would any serious political candidate for President of the United States, especially one with as many physical impairments as McCain has choose a n innocent like Sara?
If she is ready to be president with the scant experience she has; then I should be Secretary of the Navy because I have a row boat. (thanks to CNN 360) Loved that quote and had to use it.
Any way thanks for letting me have my say.

Mickey said...

Thanks for your response. I feel much the same way. Oddly, I really don't have anything against Palin Except for the lack of experience. I think she was chosen because the Republicans wanted a black or woman to compete with the success of Obama and Clinton, they obviously were not going for experience.

Anonymous said...

I can't say I have nothing against her except for her inexperience. Her stance against choice is one. Selective persecution of homosexuals lead by disallowing them the right to formalize and protect their relationships is tipping the balance against the Palin/ McCain ticket. All Americans are entitled to exercise all the rights granted citizens of the United States.

Mickey said...

I could not agree with you more!