Monday, September 22, 2008


Today in traffic, I saw something I found to be greatly disturbing. Ahead of me, I saw a man 'flirting' with a young woman out the window of the truck he was riding in. I could see that the man was loud and obviously inappropriate and I could also see that the object of his affection in the other car looked very uncomfortable. As I moved closer to the intersection, I could both see and hear clearly what was going on. The driver of the truck had pulled up like normal in traffic at a light. The young woman stayed about a car length back in order to avoid the unwanted advances of the man. She had a car seat with at least one child that I could see in the car. The middle aged man hung out the window and continued to make ugly unwanted comments. So I have a few simple questions. First, what on earth would make a middle aged unattractive man think a young woman would want his attention? Especially when that young woman had her child with her. Next, when it was obvious that the guys attention was unwanted, why on earth didn't he give up and leave the girl alone? Did this guy really believe that barking like a horny dog would be attractive to this woman? Did he really think he had established himself as masculine and manly to those who had to see this display? Anyway, what a loser. Bottom line guys, there is nothing flattering about that kind of behavior, if you are this guy or someone like him, do us all a favor, DON'T BREED!


Anonymous said...

Yeah - keep it in your pants fella.

Signed - Den in CO

Anonymous said...

Well damn sam, men are crazy sometimes! Like the time that I was about ten years old and me and my sister was coming out of Pharmore and there was a guy with his child coming out and he kept saying little things about me like how he would like to do "things" and how he wanted my number and other comments. Me and my sister quickly made our way back to my moms(R.I.P) car and told her everything. When she saw him getting in his car she followed him and pulled up next to him and boy did she wail on him! He was all shocked like he didn't do anything but that just wasn't the case. What a slimebag!