Friday, December 4, 2009

A bag of POOP!

I have decided to use my blog as a forum to tell off a few people.  I have always made it a practice to try to be a gentleman when confronted, especially when I was not at fault.  But I find that as I get older, it gets harder to swallow.  So, I just want to say a little something to some of those who have offended me.  

Today, I am giving this space to the lady who hung a bag of cat poop on my door in Newport News.  I know you will never read this, but it makes me feel good to tell the world what kind of person you are.  You accused my cat of littering your flower beds with waste on several occasions.  I was kind and gentlemanly and explained that I do not let my cat out of the house and pointed out that there were two cats who were almost identical to the one you see sleeping in my window in our building alone.  They looked so alike that the cat owners would even get confused.  But you insisted that the offending beast was mine.  

One day when you thought I was not at home because I was having my car worked on.  You attached a bag of feces to my door.  I watched you do it through my peep hole and my neighbor also caught you in the act.  When I politely confronted you, you lied.  I pointed out that I watched you in the act and so did my neighbor.  You still had the nerve to lie even when confronted with eye witnesses.  

The bottom line is simple.  My life has moved on and I no longer live next to a pill who lies and does spiteful acts to her neighbors even when she does not have the facts in order.  I do not have to live next to a deceitful liar who does not have the courage of her convictions.  I simply do not have to tolerate your nonsense any longer.  Sadly, you still have to live with yourself and the hatred and ugliness that you spew.  

I am also grateful that because of you and a minute few others like you.  I no longer behave like a gentlemen.  I confront at the first offense and I do not back down.  If you were my neighbor today, you would have been removed from the complex because I would have brought the pictures that I took to management and laughed as you were evicted.  Thank you for making me a stronger person!  

Thanks to you, I am still a nice guy.  But I am no longer a doormat for abusers!

Monday, November 30, 2009

A Monday in November

Sometimes I would like the world to stop.  Just for a moment, just long enough for me to gather my thoughts and to figure out what is next in my life.  But I guess that's the trick to 'real life'. You have to live it realtime as it plays out.  You don't get a pause button or a break.  The clock ticks whether you are ready or not.  I am grateful for what I have and for what I have experienced, but I do wish the world would pause for just a moment and let me catch up!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Holiday Blues

Hi All,

I am writing this note just to vent about my holiday blues.  I love the holiday time of year.  But for the last several years, the holidays have become a time of stress and worry instead of being a time for joy and family.  

As I look at the coming Christmas season, my heart is filled with worry and doubt instead of joy.  I am spending today alone until this evening when I will be with my family.  Unfortunately, when I am with them, it will be at my ex wife's place.  Not an invitation I wanted, but one that came as a result of her changing plans.  

She had made plans for tomorrow because she did not want to do the celebration today.  So one of my sons and I made plans together.  I had a nice place to go with friends, but canceled so my son would be able to enjoy the holiday with someone he loves.  Then the ex changed her plans and my son got me invited because he did not want to leave me alone (I did not tell him I had plans and canceled them for him.)

Being with my ex usually means that every time she will corner me at every available opportunity and tell me what a terrible man I was and how I ruined her life.  Oddly enough, she does not ever do that to the two other husbands she left in her wake or to the two other live in boyfriends she leaves behind.  And the guy she is with now will join the ranks, it's just a matter of time.  

So now, instead of enjoying my son.  I will be sitting at a place where I know the host does not want me and I will be miserable, even with my children and grandchildren.  But I will pretend to be happy because I love them and don't want them hurt.  

And next comes the pressure from the extended family.  I live in Virginia and lived in Colorado for over 18 years before I came here.  I can count the number of telephone calls and visits I have received from them in all those 28 years on my fingers.  One of the calls was to tell me my father died and one visit was when my oldest son got married.  These people obviously don't care much about me or my  life. But if I don't call them and make every effort to show them how much I love them at the holidays, I will hear about it every time I make contact with any of them. 

I am always supposed to understand that it is somehow my place to make all contact with my family.  And frankly, I don't.  I am tired of being everyone's last thought.  I am tired of not being invited to family occasions and I am tired of not feeling loved or cared for even at the most basic level.  Why can't they think of me, just this once?  

And then comes the money stress.  I live on a very tight budget and barely survive at that.  I am not starving and my needs are met, but there is not a lot extra around here.  I do not begrudge anyone any gifts and I love giving them.  But the stress to find money where there is none is just more than I can stand at times.  I just wish I was able to show the people I love how I really feel about them.  I wish I could spoil my grand children rotten!  But instead, I will buy some modest gift and hope for the best.  

When I was young, there was the hope that one day I would get past the hard times and life would get easier, but now I just don't believe that any longer.  But I also don't have that will to be creative and to keep surviving beyond it all.  

I just wish there was a place to go to escape the hurt.

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello Everyone, Just a note to tell everyone I hope you have the Best Thanksgiving Ever and may your home be filled with blessings through the coming year!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tea Party Express

Today I read an article about the Tea Party Express. They are the conservative group trying to save America by refusing us health care options and by protesting what they see as out of control government spending. Sounds like a nobel cause, doesn't it. But it leaves a few questions open for me.

First, in reference to health care. Right now, there are millions of Americans without health care at all. Do these wise conservative sages know who pays when these people have major health issues and can not pay? We do, it's that simple. So as long as we sit back and do nothing about health care, Americans without coverage will simply be a burdon on the backs of taxpayers. An investment in health care reform, especially in health care that will cover all Americans, will save millions and even trillions in the future. Hawaii is a good example of what requiring health insurance can do for a state. Hawaii is the most expensive state in the union to reside in, except when it comes to health care. By Hawaiian law, employers must insure their employees. The end result is that they have the lowest health care cost in the country. So my question is this my conservative friends. How do you propose saving money by leaving millions uninsured and unprotected? Are you going to contribute the funds when these people are hit with major medical issues? Are you going to fund the expense of the medical test that they need? Or is your plan to simply let Americans die in the streets to save a few bucks on taxes?

Another question that I have for you is even more simple and not related to any specific item. I would simply like to know where you all were while your friend and leader George W. Bush was responsible for ending all of the government deficit ending programs and spent more than all other presidents in history combined? Wasn't spending more than all presidents of all time combined an issue to get excited about? And we have nothing to show for all his spending except for the pain and grief of all the parents, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters and loved ones of our soldiers that have died as a consequence of two wars that he started under false premises to support his oil interest!

It amazes me how a conservative government like George W Bush ran can be so extremely inept and can leave America in total devistation on the brink of a depression like we have never seen before and conservatives will still ask for more. Do you understand that it was your choice of leader who put us in the crisis that we are in? Do you understand that the new government has been left to clean up a mess that is literally of Biblical proportions? You act as if the 8 years of Bush tyranny never occured, but the fact is, you and your party are responsible for this mess and you should get on the bandwagon and help solve the problems, not contribute to making them worse!

Hopefully you will all wake up and stop being lemmings before you reach the edge of the cliff!

Monday, September 7, 2009


Look closely at these images, what do you see? You will notice that each and every part of the image is a piece of food, melons, corn, broccoli, bread, potato's and so forth. These were sent to me by another group and I thought some here might enjoy them!

Have a great day!

Adam and Steve

Adam and Steve
Sorry, I do not know who to credit for this art! If anyone knows, please write me and I will credit the artist.

I am tired of hearing Fundamentalist pastors loudly proclaiming "God did not create Adam and Steve, God created Adam and Eve!". The fact is that they could not be more wrong. God created us all, Adam, Steve and Eve. Fundamentalist in their twisted minds like to proclaim that only they have the ear of God and only they will given salvation by the grace of God. Again, they are incorrect, God in the scripture is very clear when He proclaims that "whosoever will" may come to Him. There is no place in the scripture where God proclaims that only fundamentalist will come to him, in fact, quite to the contrary. It is clear in the scripture that Jesus had a deep contempt for the pharisees and saducees of the day. They were the religious community who followed the law to the letter, but harbored hatred in their hearts like our fundamental friends. Jesus was so angry with them that He angrily cleared the temple because of their behavior. God has a place for gay people, He loves us and redeems us fully and compassionately. God will not turn his back on us and those who say He will are in serious danger of eternal torment. GLBT people need to take refuge and comfort in the fact that God does love us. We need to recognize that our fundamental brothers and sisters are seriously misguided. We need to reach out to them in love and Christian compassion. We need to be the example and to bring light into their limited and dark world. And for those of us who have been hurt by them and by the church, we need to forgive as they are Gods children too!


Thursday, August 27, 2009


Hi All,

I have been feeling a bit nostalgic for my childhood lately so I thought I would share a couple of nostalgic pictures with you. One of the pictures is an A & W drive in. They were the the kind of restaurant that today's Sonic restaurants are modeled after. In the 70's and early 80's they almost died out entirely.

Another is a picture of the cast of the old Andy Griffith show. Barney Fife made me laugh so many times and I don't know if you remember Opie, but he is the famous director Ron Howard, who also played Richie Cunningham on Happy Days! This show brought me and my family hours of laughs as a kid.

And finally there is a picture of an old time coke fountain machine. When I was a kid I had a cousin who lived in Greenville, SC. They had a drug store down there that had a real old soda fountain and would serve Cherry Cokes. Not the kind you get today, back then, they would fill up a glass with Coca Cola and then add Cherry syrup to it for flavor.

Ahh, those were the days. I can go back to aging gracefully now!

Have a fun day all!


My Little Gem Is Here!

August 16th our newest little family Gem arrived! His name is Aiden James and he weighs in at an amazing 8 lbs, 7 ozs. The little guy is something to hold and behold! Both mom and baby are fine and here are a few pictures to share! I may look like a goofy old man, but I'm a happy goofy old man!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Coming Soon

Hi All,

I am exercising my bragging rights as a grand parent to announce that any day now, I will be a grandfather once again. My daughter is due any time now and may even be induced over the next day or two! Please join me and my family in prayer as we wait for the arrival of Aiden the newest family member!

Thanks so much!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Been Lazy Again

So I've been lazy again. I keep intending to post something daily, but as you can see, my commitment is not what it should be! Still, this is my place in the world and I want to share, so here goes.

The past couple of weeks have been busy for me! I have moved into a new place and I have changed shifts at my workplace.

The new place is lovely and I am enjoying my new little space in the world. I have been keeping busy and happy setting up the place, but I fear it will be months before I am even completed to with the basics. I have two rooms and a bath to myself and that is enough for me!

At work the new shift is a ten hour shift. That allows me three days a week to be free to play and get things done. Maybe I will at least manage a post or two here! Anyway, I am back and I really do plan to write more here, enjoy all!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Good Job Pakistan!

I just wanted to post a note to all the Pakistani's who have the courage and the valor to fight against the extremist Taliban. I am proud to see that some parts of the Muslim world will not tolerate extremist trying to take over their homes and trying to force false doctrines of abuse and control on their people. I have complained more than once that we do not see this kind of courage against the Taliban in that part of the world and I am grateful that good Pakistani's have the strong sense of conviction to keep such forces at bay! I commend you all and pray that you will be successful in diverting them away from your home!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy House Hunting!

The house hunt is on. Do you think this is too small for my needs? I was thinking not enough room for family gatherings, but it might just have to do, lol.

I am actively looking for a new place to live. I am always surprised at how many answers I get to an ad and about how diverse the people who answer the ads are. I have had answers from younger folks and older ones, from people of different colors and nationalities, from people in a rush to get you in no matter who you are and from those who want credit and background checks. I swear in some cases a sign that says ‘Axe murderers must bring cash’ would be the appropriate ad text, because some will offer a place to anyone and just don’t seem to care. It seems that all walks of life are sharing housing these days.

I have also had offers for all types of places. From people who own high end homes with mother in law suits that they want to rent out to people who actually want to share one room together in a single bedroom apartment or home. I have seen pictures of large rooms, small rooms, rooms with and without baths. Places with household privileges and places where the rental begins and ends at the room. I have even been sent pictures of dirty rooms with litter all over the carpet and I wonder what kind of individual these attract.

I have also found that the price range on rooming situations is not that wide compared to price ranges when shopping for a house. I have also noticed that the quality of the room does not seem to have much to do with price. It’s almost like most people have a magic number regarding what they consider the value of a single room and bath and they all seem to stick in the same range regardless of whether they live in a palatial home or in a modest hovel.

I am excited about the prospect of the future and even look forward to it. But I do have concerns about repeating the mistakes of the past. Still, I think I have learned enough to move forward and try again. But only time tell.

Another Chapter Ends

Sadly this week, another chapter in my life ends. I was in a living situation with a roommate and it has run it’s course. I find it sad that it could not end on a happy note, but that is the nature of life. Some things end nicely, others are like a car wreck.

I must admit that I feel somewhat distressed at the way this ended because I feel that I have been a good roommate and a good person. I feel angry that I have put a great deal of effort into being a good roommate and the payback for all this effort is to end up frustrated and angry. I am clean, quiet, considerate and respectful. I have never once walked into my roommates room without his permission and have only been in the room once when he invited me to look at the place. I have not ever stolen anything from my roommate and have been lucky to have not had occasion to accidentally break anything around the house.

I do not smoke, I seldom socially drink and I do not get out of control and sloppy when I have had a drink. I clean up after myself, I have good hygiene and I spend most of my spare time playing games on my computer or watching television quietly in my room. I am friendly, polite and kind to my roommate and to any guests he may choose to have over.

About a year ago, I was in a similar situation that did not end well. In that situation, I was feeling totally justified about ending the agreement as my previous roommate as a bit crazy. She would turn the temperature in our home down to the 60’s at night and would raise it up into the 80’s during the daytime. It was a no brainer that I had to get out and she needed to get a dose of reality.

In the current situation however, I feel at a loss. I will not give the details of the issues that we ran into here. I will not talk about them in part because it would take much too long to write or discuss here and partly because the issues are sensitive in nature and I do not want them spread out for all the world to see. But I will say how I am feeling about them.

I got home last Tuesday a bit early because I had earned some award time at work. I was relaxing in my room when my roommate knocked on the door hard and said ‘we have to talk’. When I came out, my roommate did not want to talk at all, he rather had a canned speech prepared for me and simply read me the riot act and asked me to leave in 30 days. He did return my rent to me to 'pay' for a new deposit elsewhere and I gleefully accepted!

As I mentioned earlier the things that he accused me of were sensitive in nature. I was also baffled because they had some element of truth to them, however the facts as he represented them were grossly inaccurate and were totally blown out of proportion to the point where the true elements of the issues could no longer be recognized. He also brought up an incident that I had told him about that happened almost 20 years ago and acted as if that was current and relevant information to support his argument.

I was not offered any opportunity to express my side of the issue and the fact is that he did not want to discuss the issue. He wanted to make his judgment and ruling and call it a day. At first I was dumbfounded. I was angry and wanted to get back at him for accusing me the way he did and even more for his total lack of interest in the facts. He had declared himself judge and jury and had issued his verdict.

But over the last few days, I have rather decided that I will not cast my pearls before swine and I will let it rest. The fact is that he has had a history of bad behaviors starting last February when he totally stopped talking and communicating without any provocation or incident. He would not speak to me and would lock himself in his room every day after work.

Several weeks after he stopped talking he approached me asking why I was avoiding him. I told him that I am not avoiding him, but I simply cannot carry on conversations with someone who is only able to respond with simple one syllable answers to any and all questions. If he wanted a friendship as we used to enjoy, he would have to participate, it was just that simple. From that time on, he would answer, but only when spoken to.

In any event, my feeling is just to say F*** it! I have too many good things going for me to let this interrupt my life and I simply don’t want to argue any more. So house hunting moves forward!

So to my roommate I offer you the one finger salute!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

An Angel for you All

Hello all,

I don't know who to credit for this beautiful Angel picture, but I wanted to share it with you all. I love Angels and collect Angel art. The thought of someone watching over us to protect and comfort brings me peace, I hope it does for you too!

A Special Thank You!

Hello All

I wanted to take a moment to say a special thank you to two customers that I worked with today. One was male, the other was a female. Both of you took the liberty of screaming at me in tones so shrill and harsh that I could not make out what you were saying. Both of you shouted at me for prolonged periods of time, the guy won out with a tantrum lasting over 35 minutes. My company does not allow me to disconnect the call when people who behave as you do reach my line, so I have to have to calmly wait as you shout phrases at me that would make your mother blush and then I have to try to determine what the issue you are having is and resolve it for you. You make me grateful for so many things. First, I am grateful that when I start to behave like you have, I am reminded of my job and how stressful dealing with assholes all day every day is. It gives me great perspective about what really matters in life and reminds me how to treat others. Next, I grateful that you are your spouses and families problems and not mine, because I only have to deal with you for a short time in my life, they have to hear it daily, I feel great pity for those poor souls. I am also grateful that I have a job and good benefits in this economy. You may be a royal pain in the ass, but your keeping food on my table. And finally, I am very grateful that you are not too bright. One of you actually got so worked up that you could not breathe and had a coughing spell as you were shouting at me. When it was over, you said, See, can't you tell I am sick! To which I responded, yes, I can in a very quiet, calm and reassuring tone. However, I was not talking about your physical condition, I was referencing your very sick mind, you allowed me to say that directly to your face and actually thought I was having pity on you. And there is one other thing I am grateful for, when it was all over, I got to my peaceful home and spoke with a friend and my children about my day. I am so happy that I have good people in my life to remove the poison that people like you add to the world. At times, I want to pray that God will send you others like yourself to teach you a lesson in good manners, but then I remind myself that nobody, not even people like you, deserves to be treated like you treated me and I instead pray that God will have mercy on your tormented condition.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Been Lazy Lately

Something about this picture reminds me of when I was a kid. It comes from one of my favorite sites, I would suggest that anyone go there.

So I have not posted in a while. Just plain been to busy and too lazy to take the time. But if I am going to have a blog, then I should use it, right!

This week has been a mixed bag. One of my sons and his wife split up. I am so hurt because I don't want my son hurt and I do want them to succeed. But has a parent, sometimes it's my place to just keep quiet and move forward. Still, it breaks my heart that a good kid like my son has to suffer through the pain of life. I hope and pray that everything will work out, but there are no guarantees in life.

On the positive side. My newest grand child will be a boy. I would truly be happy either way, but it's nice to see my daughter so happy. I got to see his little pictures and I can tell you that sonograms have really come a long way since my children were in the womb. You can almost see the expression on the little guy's face.

Anyway, about the little angel and devil. I like this picture because it reminds me of every day of life. There are always choices to be made. They can make your life better or they can make your life harder. I also know the feeling of constant temptation and having to choose to do right or wrong daily. Anyway, it's just how I feel today!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Nail Art

This picture was sent to me from a web group that I belong to. It is done entirely in nails that were hammered into the board at different heights. I just think it's amazing that someone could make such an intricate work out of plywood and nails and I think it's worth sharing. I hope you all enjoy.

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Prisons We Create

Note: Photo from by Jeromy

The Prisons We Create

Today I was thinking about the prisons we create for ourselves in our minds. You know, those places that we either refuse to go back to or those places we abandon because of bad experiences in our lives. I came to the conclusion that it is time to be free.

I will give you a couple of examples from the lives of people that I know. One man was in a relationship with a lover for several years. Sadly, the relationship ended and they parted ways. The end of the relationship was not a friendly end and they had some cross words. One of the things said by “John's” former lover was something to the effect of “this city is mine, and I will do all I can to make living here uncomfortable for you, so you had better not show up at any of the places that we used to go to or I will ruin you!”. As a consequence, “John” avoided all of those places to avoid making a scene with his ex.

So what was the end result? Instead of living his life fully and moving forward, “John” stopped going to the places he loved so much and stopped seeing the people he enjoyed so much. While his ex was out enjoying life, “John” lived in a self imposed prison. Avoiding social contact because of a threat made by a bully. Not a good way to live and as far as I know, “John” is still living in exile!

In another example that I know, Jane had a friend that very very close to her. They shared good and bad times and were kindred spirits. They both enjoyed a series of books that had been made into a television series and also enjoyed the series. Jane's friend was killed in an automobile accident.

Not too long after the death of Jane's friend, the production company that put together the first book mini series was taping the rest of the adventure! When I saw the announcement, I thought Jane would be elated, so I told her about it. But instead of joy, I was met with a very sad face and tears and told that Jane could no longer enjoy the Anne of Green Gables series because of the pain she had over her friends death.

So again, instead of thinking fondly about the series and remembering her friend in a warm light. Jane imprisoned herself and refused to allow the joy that would come with viewing the rest of the story. And I also believe that she lost perspective. I just know that her friend would be sitting over her shoulder watching and laughing and crying over Anne's adventures.

Our lives are so short and so transient, it somehow seems a terrible shame to live locked away by memories refusing to continue to go forward. People come and go, they live and die, but no matter what occurs, life goes forward. We have the chance to move forward with it, or to stay locked away in our little tower protecting ourselves from what may lie out there. I prefer to live free, enjoying the time I have left and the gifts and rewards that life gives to me. We can not undo the past, but we can make the future as full as possible.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Gift from Gods Creation

Howdy everyone. For me, the last couple of weeks have been rough. I had a complete computer crash and needed to replace my system. I have an ongoing struggle with a personal relationship and I am not sure I know how to handle it. And finally, I have been dealing with stroke level blood pressure. Needless to say, not a lot to smile about here.

But then I ran into this picture of the Aurora Borealus. It reminded me of the beauty that God can create in even the coldest most remote parts of the world. Right now, my heart feels like the cold northern landscape. But I know that if I just stay steady in my faith, there will be something beautiful on the horizon!

I hope that this note and this colorful display courtesy of God will bring you a ray of hope!

Stay happy!

Ice Sculpture

Hello Everyone. I found this picture of an ice sculpture in a Yahoo Group that I belong to called Nidokidos. It is a fun group that post lots of fun items, Bollywood stuff, games, interesting pictures and even software pointers and reviews. The group has a large Muslim following and you will also see many post if political interest to Muslims as well as Indians and Pakistani's. I reccommend it as a fun group with lots of good things! The link to subscribe is: I hope some out there enjoy it as much as I do!



Saturday, February 7, 2009

Tough Times

This was sent to me several days back, it's hard to imagine what celebrities have to go through when they retire. Times really are hard !

Bragging Rights

Above is a picture of my son and his new daughter Sarah

Hello All, It has been several days since I have added anything to my blog. But above you will find a picture of the latest addition to our family, she arrived a little over a week ago. Please meet Sarah, my newest granddaughter. She was a very big girl 9 pounds 10 ounces! We are happy she has arrived and the family is doing well! Another blessing to thank God for!

Saturday, January 10, 2009



At age 4 success is . . . Not peeing in your pants.
At age 12 success is . . . Having friends.
At age 17 success is . . Having a driver's license.
At age 35 success is . . Having money.
At age 50 success is . . . Having money.
At age 70 success is . ... . Having a drivers license.
At age 75 success is . . . Having friends.
At age 80 success is . . . Not peeing in your pants.

Tomorrow, January 11 is my 52nd birthday. I found this about success at different times of life and I just had to share it. It sort of puts age into perspective, doesn't it? I hope everyone enjoys!

Indian Art

I love Indian Art. I belong to a group that sends out a lot of fun stuff from India and Pakistan. These are pictures sent to me from that group. I hope you all enjoy them!

Alien Life Photoshopped Images

Hello all, I love the idea of alien life on alien planets. On another group that I belong to, someone (I do not know who to credit) posted some wonderful photoshopped animals. I enjoy them and I hope you do too! Thank you to their creator!

Note: if anyone can tell me who the creator is, I will be happy to provide credit for the images!

Humiliation of a President, The Shoe Incident

President Bush

Presidents Attacker

Earlier this week, I saw a whole clip about all of President Bush’s failures. To be honest, it did not bother me at all. I truly see the man as someone who may have made grand contributions somewhere else, but was certainly not presidential material at all. I have made fun of the guy myself on several occasions. And on each and every occasion, I feel he deserved the criticism. However, more recently when the shoe incident occurred with the Muslim journalist things seem to have changed and strangely I now find myself feeling a bit of a need to defend President Bush.

Why do I feel different about this particular incident? For a few reasons, first, even if you don’t like the man in charge you should still respect the office of the president. This man was elected (for better or for worse) as the president of our country. Not just any country, but the country hailed as being the strongest free nation in the entire world. To allow a journalist to commit such an assault against our leader and to subsequently laugh at the leader rather than being insulted as an American that someone would dare to perpetrate such an act on the man holding our highest office speaks loudly about the shape of America today.

As Americans, I believe we should be angered at this outrage and should be backing our president during this time, not humiliating him. Understand, I do not like GW Bush, I do not believe he is competent, but he is my president. And I do not believe that my president should be target of an assault by some garden variety thug, especially when that thug is just a journalist who was allowed access to the man holding the highest political office in the world.

I am also offended that we are taking part in the laughter. Again, we are Americans. Someone has perpetrated a world scale public insult to our president. And what is our reaction? We laugh at the president and make light of the issue. Does anyone understand that this was not just a public humiliation of GW Bush, but a public humiliation of all of America?

I also feel that for whatever reason this particular incident has lead to an open season on GW Bush. Again, don’t like the guy, think he has less political skill than just about anyone on the planet. But again, he is our leader and to humiliate him on such a grand scale is simply not acceptable. What disturbs me the most is the general acceptance of such bad taste on a grand scale.

To me, the reaction around the incident does not feel like the political cartoons of the past or like the funny photo shopped images that we traditionally see. It feels like a case of insult to injury. First our leader is assailed by an angry Muslim militant, then he is publicly assailed by our own journalist and our people. It’s a sad day in America when we give up our dignity and our national pride in the guise of free speech. The Muslim guy was not asserting his right to free speech or intelligently stating his case, he was attacking our president. He was one of a very select few people in the world with access to our president, with access to ask the man questions directly, but instead of taking advantage of that access and doing his job professionally and intelligently, he chose to attack a world leader. In my eyes, that is a problem and he should be imprisoned for decades as an example of what happens to those who would attack the leader of the strongest nation on earth!

And finally, while I myself see the value in sarcasm and I enjoy political cartoons and satire (look on some previous pages and you will find some). I also believe that this kind of humiliation for our president~~ especially from his own people~~ is over the top and just inappropriate. For me, it’s sort of a family attitude. I have two brothers and a sister. Over the years we have had terrible arguments and have been unkind and cruel to each other on more than one occasion. But I pity the fool who would try to hurt one of us or divide us, we may not always agree, we may not always like each other, but we are ALWAYS family and we ALWAYS love each other. That is the attitude that I believe America should have towards this incident. We may not always agree with who is in charge and we may not always like who is in charge, but he is one of our own and he is one of our American family and we have an obligation to always love and protect our own!